41 Questions to Jump Start Your Deliberate Journey!

It is hard to be deliberate on any journey if you don’t have a destination.

It is hard to select a destination without a period of consideration and contemplation.

It is hard to sit and contemplate without some stimulus prompts.

In this post, I intend to take away your excuses, delays or whining by providing you with 41 questions for consideration and contemplation. No right answer. Just opinions, perspectives and reactions. I challenge you to use to use the next few weeks to start the process. With some effort, you can have a flight plan drafted before the new year.  Talk with family or friends if it helps get you started.

From this data pool – a fresh flight plan awaits you! Pour some wine, find a chair and get started.

  1. What aspects of my day make me the happiest?
  2. Till what age do I intend to work?
  3. How much money do I need to safely/comfortably retire?
  4. Could I do what I do now for that long?
  5. What are jobs/roles/professions that intrigue me (but I don’t know enough to do anything about)?
  6. Would I be willing to go back to school – if yes, for what?
  7. What part of the country would I like to live? retire?
  8. What occupational fantasies/dreams have I had over the years? List them out and highlight those that still hold interest.
  9. In my current role, map out the next three promotions I am likely to have if successful.
  10. Are these exciting promotions? Are they worth the next _____ years of my career?
  11. IF money/salary were not an option – what would I love to be doing?
  12. Am I willing to commute?
  13. How long am I willing to spend getting to/from work?
  14. Do I want to work from home?
  15. Would I be willing to travel?
  16. How much travel would be ideal?
  17. How much travel is too much?
  18. What type of work is most fulfilling for me?
  19. Do I need to leave a legacy?
  20. What might my legacy be?
  21. What type of work could facilitate the fulfillment of my legacy?
  22. Have I ever considered an alternative career?
  23. List the potential “new” careers I would be willing to consider – what are the top two?
  24. Have I ever prayed about my purpose or gifts? What might I hear if I did?
  25. Over the years, what have I been known to be very good at doing? Could I make a living doing this?
  26. What do I do for fun in my life?
  27. Am I spending enough time having fun?
  28. What “fun” activity could I do to add some color and texture to my day-to-day life?
  29. What adventures do I want to accomplish in the next 5 years?
  30. How should I structure my career/life to best do these adventures?
  31. What burdens, resentments or regrets are holding me back?
  32. How can I shed these and break free to the next level of opportunity?
  33. Who do I need to forgive in order to put more healthy energy into my life and purpose?
  34. Who has a career I envy?
  35. What about that career am I most attracted to?
  36. How could I add just 5 elements of what he/she has into my work?
  37. Where would I need to be in my career by 2025 to feel I’m on track with my goals?
  38. What goals could I set for 2025 to feel I’m moving in the direction I desire?
  39. How do I add more learning and growth to my week?
  40. If I met God today – would he say “Well done my good and faithful servant?”
  41. If not, what do I need to do to change that?


Remember – the goal isn’t to find the “right” answer. It is to be deliberate. You are asking and answering questions such that you influence your life and career in the direction you desire.

Create a flight plan for your Deliberate Journey and take off! There is plenty of time for rudder kicks and mid-air refueling as you go.

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