5 Mistakes that Derail Your Deliberate Journey

If you spend any time reading my blog, you know I’m passionate about being deliberate in career and life.

Furthermore, you know I advocate for knowing where you are going or what you want to do/be in advance and then work to get there.

However, I’m also a realist. Just because you want it, think it or dream it doesn’t guarantee it happens. While plans and intentions are a good start – you must prepare. Prepare for the inevitable setbacks, obstacles and resistance. Things go wrong. Problems arise. Shit happens.

Preparation is a form of ‘deliberateness.’

The good news – you are not the first to traverse life’s highway. For centuries people have tried to create the life and career they desire. We can learn from their success, but in this article I want you to learn from their failures as well. Knowing in advance five classic mistakes helps you prepare (and hopefully avoid) these on your Journey.  Let’s take a look….


5 Classic Mistakes that Derail your Journey

  1. Not Enough Fuel in Your Tank:  Any vehicle requires fuel. You are no different. If you intend to create the life you desire or boost your career to the next level – you need adequate energy, passion and desire. Be sure you have the fuel needed, but more importantly that you can replenish it along the way.
  2. Your Steering Wheel is Missing: You need to believe in and be capable of making choices. If you aren’t willing to make choices, you can’t steer or direct your life/career. If you don’t steer – you won’t be deliberate. Simple. Get better at owning (and making) key choices.
  3. You don’t Trust Your GPS:  It is one thing to know where you want to go, but it is a different issue to trust the journey to get there. While you need courage and confidence to ‘travel’, you feel scared and vulnerable. Trying to create the life/career you desire can create a lot of self-doubt. These feelings arise as you move out of your default and comfort zone. Trust the inner voice – push through the dark/scary parts and stay headed toward your final destination (in spite of the negative thoughts and fears). Trust.
  4. Insufficient or Ineffective Repair Kit:  Unless you are lucky enough to travel with MacGyver – you need to effectively deal with problems, setbacks and obstacles. Count on something not going as planned or hoped. Without skills for handling the curveballs – your journey ends far short of the desired destination.
  5. Your Dash Board Doesn’t Light Up: Traveling without input, data or perspective is impossible (and insane). You need feedback to guide decisions and adjust efforts. You don’t want to drive far down dead-end roads nor do you want to waste a lot of fuel in misdirected efforts. Build inputs and feedback into your life. Have mile-markers to guide progress and speed; use others to keep you grounded and centered; seek mentors to offer knowledge and experience.


I wish for you a long and successful journey. I know how good it feels when you are able to create the life/career desired. Being aware of these classic mistakes should help you prepare in advance.

Remember, like computer problems – it isn’t a matter of IF something happens on your journey – it is a matter of WHEN. Be prepared.

Identify the classic mistake hardest for you and work to improve it. Awareness is half the battle.

Safe travels!

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