The Deliberate Journey®

Advance my Career

From reliable individual contributor to a leader of leaders.

In Fall of 2024:

On this Journey You’ll Learn how to Redefine Leadership

Leadership isn’t just a title, it’s a mindset shift. Get ready to explore what it takes to move from an individual contributor to a leader of leaders. Learn how get results and score points “without touching the ball.” Master facilitating results (instead of muscling them.) This Fall, we’ll provide tools, insights, and training programs designed to help you deliberately advance your leadership career.

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By Chip Valutis, PhD
Helping You Achieve Predictable Growth Through Talent-Driven Strategies

Latest Articles & Insights

Advance My Career

Have You Made the Mistake of Putting Your Career on Autopilot?

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. While it was a little choppy climbing out, we successfully reached our cruising altitude and anticipate a smooth flight from here. We invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy the flight…”   You have heard this announcement many times. Chances are – you complied with it just as often. Nothing better than having the “hard” work done and now the autopilot can

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41 Questions to Jump Start Your Deliberate Journey!

It is hard to be deliberate on any journey if you don’t have a destination. It is hard to select a destination without a period of consideration and contemplation. It is hard to sit and contemplate without some stimulus prompts. In this post, I intend to take away your excuses, delays or whining by providing you with 41 questions for consideration and contemplation. No right answer. Just opinions, perspectives and

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Want to be a Leader? Be Deliberate – Do the Work – Learn the Skills

Being a solid, individual contributor is an admirable role. My question for you is – do you want more?   If you seek a leadership role, be deliberate. Don’t sit in your cubicle and wait to be tapped on the shoulder with an opportunity. In my experience, there are fairly predictable stages between “individual contributor” and “Leader of Contributors.” Your challenge is to recognize the stages in the Journey and

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