The Deliberate Journey®

Secure My Legacy

From a plateaued high achiever to a rediscovered passion and renewed love of life.

Stop back this fall for:

A New Perspective in Legacy Building

You’ve achieved much, but there’s more to explore. Appreciate that true legacy isn’t just about what you’ve accomplished; it’s about what you leave behind.

Learn how to rediscover your passion, reboot your sense of purpose, and secure a meaningful legacy. You’ve worked hard all these years. Now, in your 4th Quarter, it is time to put it all together and flourish! We’ll share tools, techniques and roadmaps to make your 4th Quarter better than the first three quarters combined!

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By Chip Valutis, PhD
Helping You Achieve Predictable Growth Through Talent-Driven Strategies

Latest Articles & Insights

Secure My Legacy

Did you make the mistake of killing your Purpose to create your Success?

Every day you make choices. Every day you decide how to use the 24 hours you’ve been given. So, what do you choose? In making your choices, be sure to remember the difference between success and purpose. Take a minute to read a story about one of my clients. Use his experience to remind you of this crucial distinction. Earl is 53 years old and has worked his way to

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Are You Thinking that Your Life is “As Good as It Gets”?

“Is this as good as it gets?” In my practice, I often hear this question verbatim or see it in the eyes of the Executive sitting across from me. It wouldn’t surprise me if you’ve asked the same question once or twice. You may have said it (or thought it) regarding your marriage, career, health, finances or social life. It doesn’t come in any single size or shape. What is

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The Minimalist Guide to Daily Satisfaction

You are busy. Probably very busy.  You often don’t see an end in sight. It’s tiring. There are too few days you feel a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment when your head finally hits the pillow. I get it. You are not alone. One of my goals in writing this blog is to keep you focused on a desired future during the daily chaos. As such, as busy as you are,

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